Gary Harr Gary Harr

SLC to Vernal

The nice thing about this ride is you can begin by going from Salt Lake City up and over the Park City route or from Salt Lake City, head through the point of the mountain, and head up and over through Provo Canyon. This route will take you from the middle of Salt Lake, through our ski mountains, past lakes, rivers and Reservoirs. You will experience high mountain snows all the way to the more Star Wars desert scene of the landscape in Vernal. The various changes in elevation as well as terrain makes this for a visually dynamic ride.

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Auntie WhyNot Auntie WhyNot

Antelope Island

Antelope Island State Park in Utah. Beautiful ride through the park. 160 mile loop of each beach we could access. Not much water but Great Horned Owl shots, buffalo and sand. The Heritage Farms were open for visitation and a wonderful guide there to talk about the amazing families of Owls they have.

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